
How to Manage an Elderly Person’s Incontinence

It can be too easy for a lot of people to delay taking a trip to the bathroom. However, for people with urinary incontinence, holding it can never be an option. Incontinence can occur at any age but is common to seniors. In their case, this...

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Caring for Someone with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder that commonly occurs among older adults. This happens when the part of the brain that regulates body movements starts to deteriorate. This deterioration eventually decreases the level of...

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Creative Ways to Remember Taking Medicines

There are several reasons why people neglect their medications. A few of them include the fear of side-effects, high cost of prescriptions, forgetfulness, depression, mistrust, or a misunderstanding of the need for the medicine. Patients...

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Uphold Seniors’ Quality of Life with These Services

Seniors have unique needs, be it for their physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health. If you want to fully uphold their quality of life, it would be wise to avail of expert assistance. This is when you might need to contact a provider of...

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